I am a firm believer that, you can't control your quality of life. At least not entirely. An example being, I struggle with fatigue. I may even have chronic fatigue syndrome or fybromaliaga. I'm always drinking coffee and energy drinks to help me keep up with life, work and my own goals. No matter what I do I wake up in pain and my back is always sore, just some days it's worse than others. No matter what I do or how much sleep I got I am always drowsy between 1 and 4 pm.
The worse part about this... I'm twenty-four. I've been this way since I was a teenager, so I've learned how to deal with the pain and fatigue. I don't take aspirin/white willow unless I have to. Which, thankfully, is about as often as most people my age.
The good thing is I have a high tolerance for pain. I can usually tune out my pain and just focus on what needs to be done. Also, being an herbalist who works at a supplement store helps too since I get a discount on the things that I need.
But the point of this particular blog isn't to whine or gripe, but to share.
You see, since I was a child I was taught that prayer is very powerful. I know that God hears my requests because I've never had to call in sick because of these chronic aches and pains. I have, so far, been given the forceful endurance to push my way through even the worst headaches and backaches. I can tell you all now that I am not Juggernaut. When it comes to pain I feel it even when I push it to the back of my mind.
It is God and God alone who gifts me with my endurance. I know because the moment I take my heart away from Him the pain takes over my life again.
Life is painful. Different kinds of pain for some but it is still a struggle we all must endure. Some days it is a struggle to roll out of bed but with God I have assurance that my life has a purpose and meaning. That my aches and pains are a test and the endurance I have been given is a gift to help me in my struggles.
God also gave me a loving husband who warns me when I have taken on too much. He reminds me to take my days off and rest. He points out my anxiety when I have it confused with stress or excitement. He comforts me when feel overwhelmed with life.
God has also given me wonderful friends who each have something to teach me. These friends look out for me whenever they can and I can't begin to thank them enough.
All of these gifts are the result of prayer. You can try to take your quality of life into your own hands. In my case that would mean taking aspirin everyday along with a handful of other pills to go alone with my multivitamin, fish oil, evening primrose oil, and Vitex. Doing this would probably result in having a terrible liver by the time that I'm 30 or 35.
Or I can ask Him who I have never seen to heal me. I can cry out to the God of all ages to ease my suffering enough to do His will. It sounds insane but you should try it sometime. God's presence is always there. You just have to remember, he didn't promise to make your life perfect, but to make it bearable. He said, "My yoke is light." Not, that he would take it completely away. He didn't come to end all suffering just to make our suffering have purpose and meaning. To make it bearable. To give us hope. To give us Salvation through something as simple as faith.