Wednesday, March 30, 2011


Dear Headache,

I could deal with you when you were just a dull ache in my temple, that only slowed me down a bit. I could even deal with you when you made me down four cups of coffee, and made my slur my words a little bit because I was trying so hard to keep up with the rest of the world.

But now, you are making me regret eating my favorite store bought pizza, I kept having to go back and corrrect type-os, and the dull little ache that you were is now a hammering throb. I can't even enjoy a good episode of "Bleach" because the noise sounds too loud and the lights too bright and now my stomach feel iffy. Despite taking 800 milligrams of white willow bark almost three hours ago.

I am not ok with this. Please go away. Now. Thank you.



P.S. Due to childhood trauma and the threat of even a mild bout of PTSD I refuse to admit defeat to a stupid migraine. In fact I refuse to admit that I have one. So Ha! Take that!

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